I cannot login to Road Skippers.
How to signup to Road Skippers?
I want to delete my Road Skippers account
Is Road Skippers available for Windows Phone?
I want to change my email address
How do I record a trip?
Do I need a GPS activated while driving?
Do I need a mobile data connection while driving?
How do you measure my driving behaviour and what are Driving Scores?
Does Road Skippers reward good driving behaviour?
How can I earn Skipper Points?
What is a Status?
What are driving goals and how to activate them?
What is a community?
Closed vs Open community
How can I join a community?
What personal and driving data do you collect?
App permissions - why do you need them?
Is my data secure?
How to send logs to the user support to help to resolve my problems?
My GPS does not work on my iPhone?
What is Road Skippers?
What are Road Skipper's main features?
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